Let’s take some time from my hospitalization posts at look at prospects for the 2024 US Presidential Election. The short version: things are looking utterly bleak. Irredeemably dismal. We the people must demand better. The Republicans: forget it. They’re all stark raving loony nutso mad. They’re unabashed bigots, every single one of ’em. They’re advocates…
AML Hospitalization News/Journal, Part 5
Well, it’s gotten less boring, anyway. I’ve had some unpleasant side effects, some due diligence diagnostics, and some real data has to how effective the treatments have been so far. One evening, I started experiencing gut pain. It was pretty bad, a little like my old diverticulitis episodes. But it was not accompanied by a…
AML Hospitalization News/Journal, Part 4
Boring is good. That’s what the doctors told me at the start of chemo. My condition is very good. Boredom accomplished. I’ve been incarcerated for three and a half eternities, and I’ll probably be here for a couple more. The treatment continues to go well. I haven’t had any serious side effects. My blood counts…
Acute Myeloid Leukemia Hospitalization Journal, parts 1-3
This series started as a news report for concerned friends and relatives in Facebook and through email. Interest in it is greater that I’d anticipated, and I’m having trouble keeping track of who I’ve sent which parts to. So, I’ll move it to the blog where interested folks can check when they want. March…
The Quest for Simplicity
A big part of the nature photographer’s job is to find grace and simplicity in the chaotic jumble of the natural world. We visit a bunch of straggly pine trees on a bluff overlooking the ocean. There’s a tangled mess of branches and trunks and needles pointing everywhichaway. Where’s the photo in that? Find a…
Why I am mean to anti-vaxxers
Dear Anti-vaxxer, No, I will not watch your three-hour celebration of stupid on Youtube. No, I will not read the latest screed on some obscure rightwing “news” site. No, I will not calmly, respectfully rebut every single point in your preposterous Gish Gallop. We’ve been through all of this over and over and over and…
A Complete History of the Biden Administration
January 20, 2025 On the eve of the inauguration of our next President, it seems like a good time to look back on the history of the previous administration. Joe Biden swept into power with a convincing victory in the election of 2020. His message of “I’m not Trump” resounded with the electorate so dramatically…
Joe Biden is an Inflatable Love Doll
Like an inflatable love doll, one can project whatever fantasy one wishes upon Joe Biden. He’s a climate warrior! He’s pro-union! He’s a life-long crusader for abortion rights! He has a great civil rights record! If you believe hard enough, if you cultivate your delusions strongly enough, if you click your ruby slippers together and…
Iowa Dumpster Fire
I’ve been a bad, bad blogger. I haven’t posted anything in a million years, and now I’m making a post with a relevant shelf life of a couple of days. Oh, well… I’m still perplexed about this whole Iowa dumpster fire. How could party officials be so spectacularly incompetent? Either they’re really crappy at running…
And now, some good news
Bernie can and will still win this thing. Roughly 60% of the convention delegates remain to be chosen, and the remaining states, by and large, favor Bernie, starting with key contests next week in Washington and Michigan. Biden has a small but eminently surmountable lead. The first reason for optimism: Biden is a craptastic candidate….