This is part of the ongoing saga of the development of Sort of, sort of not. While I was doing data collecting and data entry for the directory section of realMendocino, I noticed that many of the local businesses and self employed professionals have no website at all. This doesn’t seem wise to me….
Indiegogo Sucks
In a previous post, I wrote about how I had started a crowdfunding campaign through Indiegogo to raise capital for my Mendocino community website project, realMendocino. It didn’t go well. A week after the campaign ended, I’m still trying to get the money the capaign raised out of the greedy clutches of the Indiegogo monster…
Nice PayPal Button Lite
If you’re just tuning in… Your erstwhile blogger/webdeveloper is trying to overcome his aversion to website-in-a-box development platforms and find a simple Paypal payment solution for a prospective client. If I happen to sell some of my own photography along the way, that’s OK. too. I’m trying to come up with a simple “buy now”…
WordPress Paypal Plugins
A possible new client wants to do some hyper-simple e-commerce. Usually, I create custom sites, but WordPress has a lot of advantages, starting with easy set-up and maintenance, and this site will be so simple, it shouldn’t really require anything I can’t do with WP. But, I’ve never used the WP add ons for e-commerce….
realMendocino and crowdfunding
I’ve been contemplating, planning, and dabbling with regards to, my Mendocino community website project, for a couple of years. I’ve got a lot of the background code written, and some of the data entered for the directory. But there’s a great big heap of work to be done. I’ve been trying to rustle up…
Real Mendocino is happening. Slowly.
For some time now, I’ve been working on my own project in little bits and pieces. It’s a big project, and the bits and pieces have been small and far apart, so it’s been a couple of years and it’s only now beginning to resemble anything at all. I’ve had a simple local news/blog aggregator…
More Yeager-Patterson Family History
A couple of weeks ago, I posted the first part of a long newspaper article called “Yeager-Patterson Family History”. Here’s the second, and final, part. It is perhaps less interesting to people who aren’t related to the Yeagers and/or Pattersons, but it has lots of genealogical info, and some interesting tales about life on the…
Spam Bait
In the tradition of using my blog as a guinea pig for my clients… One problem with WordPress is that WP blogs get a lot of spam. Spammy comments. Spam trackbacks. Etcetera. So forth. Ad infinitum. One of my clients is claiming he gets around 2000 spam comments per week. There’s a plugin called Akismet…
[Auto] Biography of Samuel Oliver Bereman
Several months back, I inherited a box full of family stuff: photos, newspaper clippings, report cards, etc. One of the items in that box was a six-page handwritten biography of my mother’s father’s mother’s father, Samuel Oliver Bereman. Perhaps he wrote it for his GAR chapter, as the mentions his GAR post in the last…
Ilinois to Kansas by Covered Wagon, 1874
My brother gave me a photocopy of a newspaper article titled “Yeager-Patterson Family History”. Its source is not noted, but it appears to be from a Sumner County, Kansas newspaper from the late 1960s or early 70s. Here’s the first part, detailling my father’s mother’s family’s journey from Illinois to Kansas: The Yeagers and Pattersons…