I started a new group on Facebook. It was Molly’s (my Shi-tzu/Pomerainian) idea. If you want, you can visit/join here. Molly telepathically dictated this manifesto to me:
Doggies for Bernie Manifesto
by Molly
We, the doggies of the USA, have grown weary of party politics in the USA. While Republicans enact counter-productive measures for many problems and corporate Democrats advocate timid incrementalist policies which barely touch the surface of deep down urgent itches, Bernie Sanders and his democratic socialist comrades offer nice vigorous scratches of all the itchiest parts.
We feel it is especially important to elect Bernie and implement his policies for the following reasons:
- Anthropogenic climate change effects all creatures on the planet. It might not be so bad if it only effected cats, but since it adversely impacts doggies, foxes, wolves, hyenas, and humans, we must act immediately.
- The rich should pay more taxes, because they already have plenty of treats—far more treats than anyone could possibly eat. Why should Jeff Bezos have so many treats when there are so many doggies who don’t get any treats at all?
- The minimum wage for humans should be raised to a living wage so that bipeds don’t have to choose between working so hard they have no time for walks and being so broke they can’t afford dog food and treats.
- While veterinarians should be abolished, healthcare for humans is important. The best way to insure that bipeds are healthy enough to take us on nice walks is Medicare for All.
- We must end forever wars. Just think of all of the doggies trying to survive in war-torn countries. Or think of American doggies whose favorite people abandon them for many months at a time while they go to war.
- Just as all doggie butts smell fabulous regardless of breed, humans should have equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity.
We doggies have no fear of democratic socialism. As pack animals ourselves, we understand that packs must work together to ensure the best health and happiness of all their members. Republican policies, in contrast, have left us lurching towards a dystopian dog-eat-dog hellscape.
We doggies must do everything in our power to make sure humans elect Bernie Sanders in 2020. Doggies of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your leashes!